10 Tracks to Listen to While Coding

10 Tracks to Listen to While Coding


2 min read

Bored of your regular music? Try out these tracks below to shake up your daily coding playlist. (copy and paste)

Track 1: Downtempo Music for Work and Office 🎶

  1. https://youtu.be/5NVa4w-UXwA

Track 2: code-fi / lofi beats to code/relax to 🎼

2. https://youtu.be/f02mOEt11OQ

Track 3: CYBER DREAM Chillwave - Synthwave Mix 🤖

3. https://youtu.be/yhCuCqJbOVEI

Track 4: Samurai Japanese Lofi HipHop Mix ☯

4. https://youtu.be/jrTMMG0zJyI

Track 5: Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats - Relaxing Jazz Hiphop & lofi Music For Study, Work

5. https://youtu.be/zcaskjhhXWQ

Track 6: Concentration Programming Music 🧠

6. https://youtu.be/0r6C3z3TEKw

Track 7: Cognition Enhancer For Clearer and Faster Thinking - Isochronic Tones (Electronic) 😌

7. https://youtu.be/KNuoGeD9Qeo)

Track 8: Deep Focus - Music For Studying, Concentration, and Work 📚

8. https://youtu.be/oPVte6aMprI

Track 9: Increase Brain Power, Enhance Intelligence, IQ to improve, Study Music, Binaural Beats ♬

9. https://youtu.be/iL2psQTS-lw

Track 10: Beautiful Piano Music, Vol. 1 ~ Relaxing Music for Studying, Relaxation or Sleeping 🎹

10. https://youtu.be/lCOF9LN_Zxs

Comment below with your recommendations :) would love to hear from you!